Suppress numbering in selected messages in a sequence diagram

+3 votes
asked Jun 25, 2013 in To be sorted by ur (160 points)

just came across PlantUML and like it very much.

I have a use case for which I did not find in the documentation how to solve it: When autonumber is switched on, I need to suppress numbering for selected messages.

Is there a command / syntax for it?

If there isn't, would it be possible to add it as a new feature?

Thanks Uwe
commented Nov 23, 2020 by mawi (620 points)

I too am after this.
Telling plantuml to discard this message/interaction, w r t autonumbering.

Related possibilities: 


commented Nov 24, 2020 by mawi (620 points)

Actually, this is possible but the syntax is not super-concise.

For each signal/message that you want to not have autonumbered, you need to surround it in autonumber stop / autonumber resume. Like so:

a -> b: hi
autonumber stop
b -> c: extra
autonumber resume
b -->> a: hello

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
This is not possible to do so, but we will think about adding this new feature.

Thanks for the suggestion,


commented Apr 7, 2021 by mawi (620 points)

Hi from 2021. This is possible now. Using autonumber stop / autonumber resume

Adding this to clarify, repeating my comment from above:

Possible but the syntax is not super-concise: For each signal/message that you want to not have autonumbered, you need to surround it in autonumber stop / autonumber resume:

a -> b: hi
autonumber stop
b -> c: extra
autonumber resume
b -->> a: hello

Example here:

BR! /marcus
