Backgroundcolor transparent doesn't work for empty group [deployement]

0 votes
asked May 14, 2020 in Bug by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

Backgroundcolor transparent doesn't work (or work too much) for empty group, we see only the shadow:

E.g. for the empty group component A.1:

   component "A.1.KO" {

And a test with all deployement element:

That is only OK for package! ;-)


commented May 14, 2020 by albert (3,520 points)

Which version of plantuml are you using.

With plantuml version 1.2020.09 it looks OK to me, at least for the given code:

component "A.1.KO" {

see also:

Or did I miss something. further please also publish the code of the other(wrong) examples, makes life a bit easier to reproduce.

commented May 14, 2020 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello Albert,

I use the last PlantUML server site version (
And you can click on the image above to see the code and the result on the website.

Then, here is a new minimal code:

skinparam BackgroundColor transparent

component A #aliceblue {
   component "A.1.KO" {
   component A.4 {

And with 'skinparam BackgroundColor transparent', we observe the issue (and we observe only the shadow... for the component A.1):

[Click to the image to view on the PlantUML site]

If that can help,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2020 by The-Lu (64,760 points)
selected Jun 8, 2020 by The-Lu
Best answer

Some fixes improve on version V1.2020.11 and V1.2020.12, see:

Thanks for your works,
