Could you add Unicode and/or entities management on link’s tooltip?

0 votes
asked May 14, 2020 in Wanted features by The-Lu (73,540 points)

Hello PlantULM team,

Inspire by:

  • Could you add Unicode and/or xml entities management on link’s tooltip?
  • Could it possible (for png and svg output) to not escape '&' if it is on xml entity (&#...;)?

Here is a first example wanted:

file f [
test 1: with unicode   : 100<U+02103> = 212<U+02109> [[{test 1:\n100<U+02103> = 212<U+02109>}(view tooltip unicode)]] eol1
test 2: with entity hex: 100&#x02103; = 212&#x02109; [[{test 2:\n100&#x02103; = 212&#x02109;}(view tooltip entity hex)]] eol2
test 3: with entity dec: 100&#8451; = 212&#8457; [[{test 3:\n100&#8451; = 212&#8457;}(view tooltip entity dec)]] eol3

[click to the image to see on the PlantUML serrver]

Thanks for this possible enhancement,

related to an answer for: Full support for Créole in tootltip

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 15, 2020 by plantuml (295,760 points)
selected May 15, 2020 by The-Lu
Best answer
Thanks for the report.

This is fixed in last beta

This will be released soon.
commented May 15, 2020 by The-Lu (73,540 points)
Thanks a lot, for this good enhancement.
commented May 29, 2020 by The-Lu (73,540 points)
edited May 29, 2020 by The-Lu

Hello PlantUML Team,

On V1.2020.10:

  • For Unicode: that is good for SVG, but not enough for PNG,
  • And for html entities: this is not enough.

As mentionned on the wanted feature:

Could it possible (for png and svg output) to not escape '&' if it is on xml entity (&#...;)?

We can create a new Wanted features.

