Incorrect string of ortho line

+1 vote
asked Aug 4, 2020 in Bug by goyae (120 points)

Taking this small example to illustrate my problem.

skinparam linetype ortho
title: ER diagram
entity users {
entity items #lightgray {
entity address {
entity files #lightgray {

users "1" ||--o{ "0..x" items
users "1" ||--o| "0..1" address #green
users "0..1" |o--o{ "0..x " files

The green line string is the opposite of what I expected.
If remove the skinparam the string will be as expected.

title: ER diagram
entity users {
entity items #lightgray {
entity address {
entity files #lightgray {

users "1" ||--o{ "0..x" items
users "1" ||--o| "0..1" address #green
users "0..1" |o--o{ "0..x " files

Is there a way to correctly display a string using ortho line?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2021 by Louis (140 points)

A smaller sample with just two entities also show this behavior.


skinparam linetype ortho
Entity01 "1" }|--|| "2" Entity02
