Rendering errors when nesting multiple repeat-while blocks

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asked Sep 4, 2020 in Bug by lajcik (120 points)

I've noticed weird rendering errors when nesting repeat statements inside swimlanes:

When you put a nested repeat statement inside a single swimlane the diagram is broken:

Example with two swimlanes where the 2nd statement is in 2nd swimlane:

The only way to get the diagram to render correctly is to insert a dummy node as such:

All of this works perfectly when I don't use swimlanes at all like so: :)

Some context: I'm making an activity diagram using swimlanes to illustrate who performs an action. I'll probably switch to using colors so I can work around this :)

commented Sep 5, 2020 by albert (3,520 points)

Not sure but in the non swimline version you jump back onto the "some action", shouldn't you jump to a "diamond" on top of it? According to the documentation ( it is OK to do it like you do it) This can be accomplished by means of writing the ": some action" on the next line like:

:some action;
repeat while(test 1);
repeat while(test 2);

That said, the version with the swimlane looks in that case OK as well:

|lane 1|
:some action;
repeat while(test 1);
repeat while(test 2);

But seen the previous mentioned documentation, I think there is a bug for this in the swimlane version and my solution is just a workaround.

commented Sep 7, 2020 by lajcik (120 points)

Yup, I did that on purpose to demonstrate how the swimlanes cause that particular example to break.

My use case is that I want to highlight roles that are responsible for carrying out specific actions on the activity diagram. 

Initially i wanted to use swimlanes to represent that, but inserting dummy nodes to fix rendering issues makes it a bit of a no no. 

I tried to use colors for this but I can't find a way to color the 'repeat while' diamond differently from the 'repeat' diamond. I can either assign the same color to both:

Or only the first  diamond if i combine both on the same line: `repeat :label`

Grouping does not work either since `partition` cannot break a repeat

I'm running out of ideas... :|

1 Answer

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answered Sep 18, 2020 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the report.

This is fixed in last beta

Tell us if it's not working for you !