beta-style: improve descendant pseudo selector on Mindmap

0 votes
asked Nov 10, 2020 in Wanted features by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

This day: we test descendant pseudo selector on WBS and Mindmap;


And with the same code:

1/ This is OK for WBS

.mexicoStyle * {
     BackgroundColor lightblue
     FontColor Blue
     RoundCorner 10
* World
** America
*** Canada
*** Mexico <<mexicoStyle>>
**** Chihuahua
*** USA
**** Texas
*** New York
** Europe
*** England
*** Germany
*** Spain

2/ But: KO for Mindmap (Chihuahua is not colored in blue)

.mexicoStyle * {
     BackgroundColor lightblue
     FontColor Blue
     RoundCorner 10
* World
** America
*** Canada
*** Mexico <<mexicoStyle>>
**** Chihuahua
*** USA
**** Texas
*** New York
** Europe
*** England
*** Germany
*** Spain


  • Could we have got the same result between WBS and Mindmap, about descendant pseudo selector?

Thanks for your support,

commented Jul 15, 2022 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

Is it possible to do the same thing with `:depth` (currently KO on Mindmap and WBS), as:


:depth(3) * {
  LineColor transparent
  BackGroundColor transparent
  Padding 2
* r0
** a
*** a1
**** a11
*** a2
**** a21
***** <color:red>a211
** b
*** b1
**** b11
**** b12
*** b2
** c


:depth(3) * {
  LineColor transparent
  BackGroundColor transparent
  Padding 2
* r0
** a
*** a1
**** a11
*** a2
**** a21
***** <color:red>a211
** b
*** b1
**** b11
**** b12
*** b2
** c

See initial request here:

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2022 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Jul 25, 2022 by The-Lu
Best answer

Thanks for your examples.

All those issues should be finally fixed in last snapshot.

Tell us if you find other issues!

Best regards,
