PlantUML condition rendering

0 votes
asked Oct 11, 2013 in Wanted features by plantuml (295,000 points)

Starting with version 7982, the rendering for conditions & loops in activity diagrams has been changed.

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You can use skinparam to change this behaviour:

skinparam conditionStyle diamond
repeatwhile (end)

You can choose between :

skinparam conditionStyle diamond
skinparam conditionStyle inside
skinparam conditionStyle foo1

For "foo1", we definitively need a better idea...




commented Jun 20, 2016 by AcceptSocket (120 points)
Now when we choose to use a diamond, it will be a very tiny diamond and text will be outside it.

Is it possible to have text inside a normal size diamond shape instead of a hexagon? Thank you! Maybe we can define this as normal_diamond to replace foo1? :)

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