Hello,I have a test with alll components. It is no more working with version 1.2021.01beta7. It was OK with version 1.2021.01beta3
Hello all,
In fact, it's "label" that's the problem... Regression on "label" component...
Here are some minimal example :
@startuml label label @enduml
@startuml label label [[{label}]] @enduml
Thanks PlantUML for your support,Regards,Th.
@albert: you are right: I was a little busy and the full example with all components is here
@The-Lu: Thanks for the minimal example
I create my own set of sample diagram, but an "automatic test" to detect this kind of regressions would be nice
Here is a funny workaround , with adding empty style:
<style> </style>
[See on PlantUML online server]