gantt - remove background grid possible?

0 votes
asked May 28, 2021 in Question / help by anonymous
I want to create kind of a "principal" gantt chart, showing tasks, dependencies and relative durations only - no actual start date and no actual scale.

Defining is pretty easy, I just don't give a start date, no scale, have all my durations defined in days and hide footbox. No problem.

However I have found no way to hide the background timegrid as well. Is it possible at all?

Thanks in advance and best regards

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 28, 2021 by plantuml (295,720 points)

What about:

ganttDiagram {
  document {
    backgroundColor transparent
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Design du prototype] starts 2020-07-01
[Test du prototype] starts 2020-07-16
[Design du prototype] ends 2020-07-15
[Test du prototype] ends 2020-07-25

Is this what you are looking for ?

commented May 28, 2021 by The-Lu (69,260 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

Is it possible to change the color of the timegrid?
and to the extreme make them transparent...

But, how to dissociate timegrid and border of the full gant diagram?

ganttDiagram {
  document {
  backgroundColor transparent
  timeline {
    BackgroundColor palegreen
    LineColor blue
    'LineColor transparent
hide footbox

Project starts 2020-07-01
[Design du prototype] starts 2020-07-01
[Test du prototype] starts 2020-07-16
[Design du prototype] ends 2020-07-15
[Test du prototype] ends 2020-07-25


commented May 28, 2021 by anonymous

you've nailed my question much better than I did smiley

actually colorizing or making transparent the background was not my intention. Hiding the timegrid and timeline is my final goal.I've been experimenting to find out how to colorize them (actually trying to have them colorized in the BackgroundColor), but to no avail so far. FontSize also seems to be automatic - is that so?

(I'm using plantuml 1.2021.5 currently)

0 votes
answered Jun 24, 2021 by The-Lu (69,260 points)

Hello all,

With last online version (v1.2021.8beta), you can use:

ganttDiagram {
  document {
    backgroundColor lightblue
  timeline {
    LineColor transparent
    FontColor transparent

hide footbox

[Test prototype] lasts 7 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] lasts 3 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [Setup] lasts 5 days
[T2] lasts 2 days and starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [T3] lasts 3 days
then [T4] lasts 2 days


Thanks to PlantUML team,

Awaiting now the official new version,

commented Jun 25, 2021 by anonymous
Sounds good to me

Thanks to plantuml Team and @the-lu for supporting this request.