Wish the nodes of a mindmap can expand for several lines.

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asked Jul 23, 2021 in Wanted features by SuperSaiyanGod (340 points)
Sometimes the text in a node of a mindmap can be really long, but for now the text must be put in one line in the editor. Hope more flexibility can be expected!
commented Jul 23, 2021 by Martin (8,360 points)
moved Jul 23, 2021 by Martin

If you're happy to split the long text over multiple lines then that is already possible (I think it was added quite recently) using the :text; format.

Check out the doc entry at https://plantuml.com/mindmap-diagram#c52a6bf8d847484d

commented Jul 23, 2021 by SuperSaiyanGod (340 points)
Yeah, I noticed; but that only applies to the "***" format; for the "+++" and "---" formats, it doesn't work, because that would raise an error.
commented Jul 23, 2021 by Martin (8,360 points)
Ah; ok; seems you're right and they only applied to the *** format.  I don't see any technical reason why the same syntax shouldn't exist for the +++ format...
commented Jul 23, 2021 by SuperSaiyanGod (340 points)
Haha, does that mean it will be fixed soon? I'm waiting happily.
commented Jul 23, 2021 by SuperSaiyanGod (340 points)
And as for the multi-line thing, another issue frustrates me: if I use an "\n" symbol in a, say, <font> label, the second line will get the the font style I configured. So is there any convenient way to get around this problem?
commented Jul 23, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello all,

To mix Arithmetic notation [+/-] and Multi-line label on OrgMode element, a possible workaround is to use the directive:

left side


+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2

See also:

If that can help,

commented Nov 3, 2021 by SuperSaiyanGod (340 points)

Thanks for you continuous help! And now I come across another issue, as stated here:


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