If I try to view the following script, I get a misaligned connection between backend and db. Am I missing something?
Thank you.
@startumlnwdiag {
network { web; backend; }
backend -- db;}@enduml
Hello Z.,
Yes, this is a bug.
See possible workaround and all the combination:
@startuml nwdiag { network { web; backend; } backend -- db; } @enduml
@startuml nwdiag { network { backend; web; } backend -- db; } @enduml
@startuml nwdiag { network { a; b; backend; web; } backend -- db; } @enduml
See also, this first issue with the new newdiag engine:
Here are some another workarounds:
@startuml nwdiag { web[shape = cloud]; network { web backend } backend -- db; } @enduml
@startuml nwdiag { web [shape = cloud]; web -- frontend network { frontend backend } backend -- db; } @enduml
If that can help,Regards,Th.
Thanks for the report.
This has been fixed in last beta http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar and on the online server.
Tell us if you find other issues !
Hello PlantUML team,
Here is a stretched example (maybe to change):
@startuml nwdiag { network { a; b; c; } a -- 1 b -- 2 c -- 3 } @enduml