"hide stereotype" throws Syntax Error for Gantt diagrams -- prevents from being used in themes

0 votes
asked Nov 11, 2021 in Bug by coxley (220 points)
If you have a theme that's included on many document types, I'd expect unsupported features to be silently ignored. But I guess PlantUML just expands the theme into one blob before rendering.

Is there a way to check what type of diagram is being rendered in the meantime? I tried doing %feature("hide stereotype") as a shot in the dark but it's 0. :)
commented Nov 11, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello C.,

I tried doing %feature("hide stereotype") as a shot in the dark but it's 0. :)

Currently, %feature manage only `style` or `theme`, see code here:

Awaiting another answer about:

Is there a way to check what type of diagram is being rendered in the meantime?

If that can help,

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