Activity: Strange glitch repeat loop

0 votes
asked Jan 27, 2022 in Bug by bouncy_castle (120 points)
edited Jan 28, 2022 by bouncy_castle

Hi, I have got the following diagram which has a strange glitch in the repeatwhile loop:

    if (c1) then (Yes)
    else (No)
            if (c2) then (Yes)
            else (No)
                if (c3) then (Yes)
                else (No)
        repeatwhile (r1)

The arrow coming out of r1 is not routed correctly.
Is this a burg, or am I doing something wrong?

Apart from the arrowhead I wonder: The diagram would be much nicer if the arrow coming out of r1 would exit on the left rather that on the right, because then the arrows would not cross.
Would this be an improvement worth submitting? I have seen a few posts here and there regarding arrows on the left side, but no clear will-do/wont-do answer.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2022 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the report.

This should be fixed in last release.

commented Feb 2, 2022 by bouncy_castle (120 points)
Awesome, thanks! I didn't expect a fix so soon!

And how about a possibility for the upwards arrow from r1 to start on the left side of the shape, not on the right? Is it worth suggesting this as a new wanted feature?
commented Feb 2, 2022 by plantuml (295,000 points)

And how about a possibility for the upwards arrow from r1 to start on the left side of the shape, not on the right?
Is it worth suggesting this as a new wanted feature?

In your example, it is obvious that changing the upward arrow gives a better solution.
I understand that it may sounds strange but it's very difficult to implement.
This is due to the way we manage swimlanes internally.

So it's not even worth writing a new feature.

Really sorry about that!

commented Feb 2, 2022 by bouncy_castle (120 points)

I see. Well, I've tried. wink

Thank you though, mate!
