related to issue I found that the priority of stereotype based styles are changed.
In the old implementation the e.g. font color was defined by the order of the stereotypes near the rectangle itself. The properties of the first stereotype wins (e.g. rectangle "==red container" <<RedContainer>><<Default>>... defines a red font color).
The new implementation ignores the order.
' here it works
' skinparam DefaultFontColor blue
skinparam rectangle<<RedContainer>> {
StereotypeFontColor red
FontColor red
BackgroundColor lightred
BorderColor darkred
RoundCorner 0
DiagonalCorner 18
' here it fails
' skinparam DefaultFontColor blue
skinparam rectangle<<Default>> {
StereotypeFontColor blue
FontColor blue
rectangle "==red container" <<RedContainer>><<Default>> as rC
rectangle "==default container" <<container>><<Default>> as r
Based on that the whole Tag handling in C4-PlantUML will not work anymore.
Thank you and best regards