Could functions and procedures, in the preprocessing function call themselves (i.e. be recursive)?

0 votes
asked Mar 28, 2022 in Wanted features by zimchaa (1,040 points)

I'm elaborating on the processing shown in the documentation here: (Self-descriptive example, in the JSON-preprocessing section) and I wondered if it would be possible to allow functions to call themselves? I would allow something like the following to work better: 

Recursive example

In the working code above, the function: $sys_diagram calls a copy/pasted (with a different name: $sys_diagram_sub) function, that in turn calls the original function ($sys_diagram) which therefor can loop as many times as required to build the desired diagram depth - i didn't expect that to work, I'll be honest, but the system errors when you simply call the $sys_diagram function from within itself. It would be nice to remove the duplication. 

commented Mar 28, 2022 by zimchaa (1,040 points)

Ah, actually - seems like it was a different issue I was having - it looks like it works:

Recursive functions


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2022 by Martin (8,360 points)

As you've subsequently discovered, it is fine for a preprocessor procedure/function to call recursively (up to a hardcoded limit)

!procedure $more_rectangles($level)
  !if $level > 0 
     rectangle RECT_##$level
     $more_rectangles($level - 1)


commented Mar 28, 2022 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello all,

For procedure (with your example) that seems OK:

But with function that seems KO:

!function $f($n)
  !if ($n == 0)
    !return 0
  !elseif ($n == 1)
    !return 1
    !return $f($n - 1) + $f($n - 2)
!end function


Do I have something wrong?
It is a defect?


commented Mar 30, 2022 by Martin (8,360 points)

Interesting.  There is definitely a defect there, but getting to the exact nature of it is tricky.  I've had a go with some-recursive-functions-dont-work-as-expected
The way to get your function above working is:

!function $f($n)
  !if ($n == 0)
    !return 0
  !elseif ($n == 1)
    !return 1
    !return %intval($f($n - 1)) + %intval($f($n - 2))
!end function

