Using imported classes in a sequence diagram

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asked Aug 2, 2022 in Question / help by Nathan Sowatskey

Hi, I am trying to create a sequence diagram with imported entities. I have several questions on this subject below.

I am using section "25.11 Including files or URL [!include, !include_many, !include_once]" as a guide here.

I start the sequence diagram with:


!include base/base_system_entities.puml!

The first question is about the format of the `!` after the import. The only form that (seems) to work is using a `!` alone. Without a `!` I get an error, with a `!0` I also get an error.  That *seems* to be inconsistent with the language reference guide. What have I misunderstood please?

Given that I have an import that *seems* to work, in that it doesn't have a syntax error, I now need to test whether the import *is* working.

The sequence diagrams, though, anyway implicitly create participants when they are declared, such that:

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Will create the participants Alice and Bob. 

If I want to declare Alice and Bob in my base_system_entities.puml file instead, though, and include that base into the sequence diagram, how could I know whether the included entity was being used? To ask that question another way, how could I change the declarations in the base such that the change would be reflected in the sequence diagram, and so I would know that the include was working?

In other UML systems, a message in a sequence diagram could be constrained to be a method on a class. Such that, for example, adding a message in a sequence diagram could create the corresponding method on the class. Conversely, the sequence diagram editor might require that a message can only be a method defined on a class. Do/can either of these types of constraints, or similar, be applied with PlantUML?

Many thanks


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