uml diagram id as variable

0 votes
asked Sep 28, 2022 in Wanted features by grivo (240 points)

it would be great having uml diagram id from @startuml(id=MY_OWN_ID) block as some variable available for preprocessing or as some return value of a builtin function

or, maybe, there is a way to get this id and store it to variable somehow already?

commented Sep 28, 2022 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Just a comment... For a similar wanted feature... on filename not on Id...

Here are similar pseudo requests and wanted features (but for filename):

[Just for traceability of same topic wanted feature]


commented Sep 28, 2022 by grivo (240 points)
first link you have posted makes sense, how can it be bumped a bit up in terms of urgency level?

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