Hi Todd,
If the goal is to identify actors, we could use styling like so
@startuml<style>.same { backgroundColor #ff0000/#00ff00 LineThickness 3 stereotype { 'you can set the value to 0 if no stereotype text is needed fontSize 15 }}</style>actor "a1" as ACT1 <<same>>actor "a2" as ACT2'https://forum.plantuml.net/13635/how-to-define-a-container-with-an-alias-without-a-nameactor "<U+0000>" as ACT3 <<same>>actor "a4" as ACT4 node NACT1 -right-> NACT2 -down-> NACT3 -left-> NACT4 -up-> N@enduml
@startuml<style>.same { backgroundColor #ff0000/#00ff00 LineThickness 3 stereotype { 'you can set the value to 0 if no stereotype text is needed fontSize 15
</style>actor "a1" as ACT1 <<same>>actor "a2" as ACT2'https://forum.plantuml.net/13635/how-to-define-a-container-with-an-alias-without-a-nameactor "<U+0000>" as ACT3 <<same>>actor "a4" as ACT4 node NACT1 -right-> NACT2 -down-> NACT3 -left-> NACT4 -up-> N@enduml
What do you think ?
Best regards,