Is it possible to add "firewall" shape into nwdiag

0 votes
asked Nov 2, 2022 in Wanted features by anonymous

it would be really great to add "firewall" shape into nwdiag notation looke like a stadard wall of bricks. Is it possible to add in some days? Or is there any project on the github where I could try collaborate trying to add this shape.

Thanks in advance,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 4, 2023 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello A., and all,

Here are some proposals, if one suits you...

nwdiag {
  network net {
    fw1 [description = "<&grid-three-up*4>\n fw01"];
    fw2 [description = " <:fire:><:bricks:>\n fw02"];
    fw [description = "  <U+2632>\n fw03"];

