Composite state functionality with allow_mixing

0 votes
asked Jan 13, 2023 in Question / help by Vantage0542 (120 points)

I'm trying to use composite state functionality with allow_mixing and running into some issues. It appears that you cannot use composite states and allow_mixing at the same time.

For example,


state "A" as stateA {
    state B

Renders without issue.



state "A" as stateA {
 state B

Gives a syntax error on line "state "A" as stateA {"



state "A" as stateA

Renders without issue.

For context, I am trying to insert a table of conditions/information into a state or conditional of a state diagram. To achieve this, I am trying to mix json data into the diagram, but running into the issue above.

Is there a way to get allow_mixing to work with composite states? Or perhaps I am approaching the way I want to achieve a table/json data inside a state incorrectly?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 13, 2023 by plantuml (295,800 points)
selected Jan 20, 2023 by Vantage0542
Best answer

You can now have this with last snapshot:

state "A" as stateA
state "C" as stateC {
 state B
json foo1 {
  "foo2": "foo3"

Hope this helps!

commented Jan 20, 2023 by Vantage0542 (120 points)
Thank you, that has solved what I was trying to do!