cmapx file generated when convertig call diagram with links to png

0 votes
asked Jan 23, 2023 in Bug by jens.fudickar (400 points)


when generating a class diagram with url links in it to png a cmapx file is generated. This happens only with png, and not with svg.

How can this be prevented? I do not need/want this file :-)


java  -jar "plantuml-1.2023.0.jar" "cmapx_sample.puml" -png



hide stereotype

skinparam class {
BackgroundColor<<hardware>> orange
class "<u>core</u>" as 633d9da635a71d1d9c66797b << (C,orange) hardware >> {
<b>core - 633d9da635a71d1d9c66797b</b>
|= attribute |= value |
| id | 633d9da635a71d1d9c66797b |
| status | active |
| small | [[]] |


Content of the cmapx file:

<map id="cmapx_sample_map" name="cmapx_sample_map">
<area shape="rect" id="id1" href="" title="" alt="" coords="89,117,419,135"/>



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2023 by jens.fudickar (400 points)
any news/ideas?