Windows/Linux Diagram Differences

0 votes
asked Feb 22, 2023 in Bug by bigd0g (120 points)

Using plantuml.1.2023.1.jar on Win10 64-bit and Linux 64-bit yields different diagram.  The Windows diagrams almost seem forced to be "flat" and "left to right direction" (although, not quite the lsame as left to right direction on Linux, if specified).

On Windows, I have tried changing the Java 11 version used (Oracle/Corretto) and even using the "no dot" package with a manual graphviz installation, but the result is the same.

Desire/intent is to have Windows generated images look like the Linux versions.



PlantUML Code:

skin rose

actor :Stakeholder: as stk
actor :TPM: as tpm
actor :CHENG: as cheng
actor :Supervisor: as sup
actor :PLT: as plt

package "System Z" {
  component [Subystem 1] as sub_1
  component [Subsystem 2] as sub_2

  tpm - plt
  cheng - plt
  sup - plt

  plt - sub_1

sub_1 - stk
sub_2 - stk


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2023 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello B., 

Could you change all `-` arrow to `--` arrow (in order to be top to bottom...), as:

skin rose

actor :Stakeholder: as stk
actor :TPM: as tpm
actor :CHENG: as cheng
actor :Supervisor: as sup
actor :PLT: as plt

package "System Z" {
  component [Subystem 1] as sub_1
  component [Subsystem 2] as sub_2

  tpm -- plt
  cheng -- plt
  sup -- plt

  plt -- sub_1

sub_1 -- stk
sub_2 -- stk


If that can help,

commented Feb 22, 2023 by bigd0g (120 points)

Great, thanks!  I didn't notice that the text file got mangled between the two systems.

You're correct that changing the '-' back to '--' fixed the graphic generation on Windows.

Thansk very much!  I apprecaite it.  yes
