change color for group in sequence diagrams

0 votes
asked Jan 23, 2024 in Question / help by andreas.kagedal (320 points)

As far as I understand, the way to change colors for elements (like for instance a note box) in a sequence diagram is described like this:

* #[color|back:color];header:color;line:color;line.[bold|dashed|dotted];text:color

But this does not work for group/alt/opt/break boxes where it is only possible to control the background color. not the colors of the lines (and not dashed lines or gradients).

Is this planned to be supported in the future?

This works:

group #pink MyGroup
Bob -> Alice : hello
end group

But this does not work:

group #pink;line:pink MyGroup
Bob -> Alice : hello
end group

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2024 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello A., and all,

For that you can use style, as:

group #palegreen MyGroup
Bob -> Alice : hello
end group
group {
  LineColor pink
  BackgroundColor pink
group MyPinkGroup
Bob -> Alice : hello
end group

See also:


commented Jan 23, 2024 by andreas.kagedal (320 points)
Ah, That works. Thanks!

If I understand correctly, if you want to change the style for only one specific group you will have to have a <style>...</style> both before and after the group.