PlantUML in Microsoft Office365 Word not working

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asked Apr 20 in Question / help by nniraj (120 points)

My Microsoft Office365 Word integrated PlantUML used to work but of late, I am getting below error. 

Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error '457': This key is already associated with an element of this collection

I am using plantuml-1.2024.4 and PlantUML_Template_v35. Could you pls help? Thanks.

commented Apr 27 by nniraj (120 points)
I did some debugging and found that if my plantuml file is stored locally on my laptop, it works fine. If it's stored on Microsoft OneDrive, then it throws above error. Any idea? Thanks.

1 Answer

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answered Sep 18 by Marlon Persaud
I also get the same error - was checking if there is a solution