Dear PlantUML community,
I observed that the styling <style> </style> has changed.
When rendering *.puml looks different now. For me in a bad way, that´s why I reach out to you, asking for have it looking in the old way. (screenshot below)
I´m pinpointing to sequence diagram individual style of the same entity type e.g. a "participant". This is still possible but in the element itself the name of the style is printed, which I don´t want so see.
How to get rid of the <<myStyle>> in the rendered diagram?
Thanks much in advance
skinparam useBetaStyle true
' style enclosure declaration
' scope to sequenceDiagram elements
sequenceDiagram {
' scope to actor element types
actor {
FontColor Blue
' define a new style, using CSS class syntax
.myStyle {
FontColor Red
' printed in blue
actor Bob
' this will now be printed in Red
actor Sally <<myStyle>>