I'm learning reference guide 3.35 "Bracketed Relations Style", for the "mix" part, all of the sample are working fine except the "Bold" + "Thickness".
See below code:
class foo
class bar1
class bar2
class bar3
class bar4
foo -[bold]-> bar1 : [bold]
foo -[thickness=8]-> bar2 : [Thickness=8]
foo -[bold,thickness=8]-> bar3 : [Bold and Thickness=8]\nwhy this is not mixed?
foo -[dashed,thickness=8]-> bar4 : [Dashed and Thickness=8]\nOK
In online server: https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/SoWkIImgAStDuKhEIImkLaZBpuUoaXAB315C8mJJ6C4quU82Qb3GZKxApqc9rRK3QrAmKe3meN8b6Pd9sNcfnSMs5b0bHY0b8KZ2IAReO2et1Ybt0ief9EQbA23hYyahpwXK0EeeLW2YlFmIXTpCYjGKUwXvAOd56QdOJ3G1cUW2aiLcfhytbqDgNWemK000, I assume the third link should be both [Bold] and [Thickness=8], but the result is the link restore to normal thickness.
Any hints on where I did wrong? I put the #4 link as comparison.
Thanks, Xiaoqi