Color of uncompleted part of task in Gantt chart

0 votes
asked Jul 2 in Wanted features by anonymous

Is there a way to set background color for the uncompleted part of a task  in the Gantt chart? I can set the task background color and color change for task completion. But then the uncompleted part of the task is just white.

It would be nice to set the background color, eg. with an 'uncompleted' keyword.

ganttDiagram {
    task {
        BackGroundColor Lime
        unstarted {
            Backgroundcolor Red
        uncompleted {
            Backgroundcolor Fuchsia


Or alternatively use the task background color as default color, then set 'unstarted' and 'completed' color.

ganttDiagram {
    task {
        BackGroundColor Fuchsia
        unstarted {
            Backgroundcolor Red
        completed {
            Backgroundcolor Lime


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 2 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello A.,

For that you can use the `undone` style, as:

ganttDiagram {
    task {
        BackGroundColor Lime
        unstarted {
            Backgroundcolor Red
    undone {
        Backgroundcolor Fuchsia


commented Jul 3 by anonymous
Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for!