Links to download compiled JAR seems to point to source code download

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asked Jul 2 in Question / help by Daniel Ruzo
No matter what type of license you choose, all links to download the compiled JAR appear to download the source code.
commented Jul 2 by dragondive (1,360 points)
It seems to be working correctly for me. When you mouseover the download link, what address do you see?

It should be something like: (NOT
commented Jul 2 by Daniel Ruzo
Thanks for your answer.
The links are correct, just as you say. But the content that is downloaded does not have a *.jar file. What is downloaded is a zip containing a folder structure very similar to what is downloaded from the link to download the source code.
Maybe I'm confused, but I was hoping to download a *.jar, just like I was able to download from SourceForge, which is the one I'm using.
commented Jul 3 by dragondive (1,360 points)

@Daniel I tried the downloaded jar file on Windows and Linux, it opens the PlantUML application correctly on both. Could you please try with the link that I posted in the above comment, and see if that works? I took that link directly from the download page.

commented Jul 3 by dragondive (1,360 points)
That being said though, it does look unusual to me that the sources archive also has an extension of .jar.

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