json line (arrow) style

0 votes
asked Jul 2 in Question / help by anonymous
I am trying to highlight a line/arrow for JSON that follows the path of highlighted elements, something similar to below, any help would be greatly appreciated.



.hline {

LineColor green

LineThickness 3

LineStyle 2-5



#highlight "externalLabels"

#highlight "externalLabels" / "*" <<hline>>

#highlight "externalLabels" / "*" / "sourceName"

#highlight "externalLabels" / "*" / "sourceType"
commented Jul 3 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello A.,

Currently that seems not possible. It is currently a global style, as:


'.hline {
  arrow {
    LineColor green
    LineThickness 3
    LineStyle 2-5

#highlight "externalLabels"
#highlight "externalLabels" / "*" <<hline>>
#highlight "externalLabels" / "*" / "sourceName"
#highlight "externalLabels" / "*" / "sourceType"

{"externalLabels": {"a":1,
"c": {"sourceName": ["a", "b"]},
"d": {"sourceType": [1,2,3]}

But your request will be a good wanted feature...

To PlantUML team:

  • How to color a specific arrow on a JSON/YAML diagram?


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