Schematic organization

0 votes
asked Nov 20 in Question / help by xxiaprile753 (160 points)
edited Nov 20 by xxiaprile753

I have a diagram with many elements that I have defined as "component".
I tried to increase the font size because when printing the diagram it remains very small and cannot be read but by increasing the size the distances can be adjusted.


@startuml LPO

skinparam linetype ortho

rectangle "So" {

  component "Connector" as connector {




rectangle "AFM" {

  component "VLT" as VLT {

    [xxxxxxxxx] <<1xxxxx>>



So <-left-> VLT: use HTTPS


For example, I would like the two rectangles to be spaced further apart

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 20 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello X.,

You can use `skinparam nodesep nnn` as:

@startuml LPO
skinparam linetype ortho

skinparam nodesep 300

rectangle "So" {
  component "Connector" as connector {
rectangle "AFM" {
  component "VLT" as VLT {
    [xxxxxxxxx] <<1xxxxx>>

So <-left-> VLT: use HTTPS
'"xxxxxxxxx" <-l-> "1xxxxx/SG": use HTTPS

But the result is better if arrow/link is on low level component, as:

@startuml LPO
skinparam linetype ortho

skinparam nodesep 300

rectangle "So" {
  component "Connector" as connector {
rectangle "AFM" {
  component "VLT" as VLT {
    [xxxxxxxxx] <<1xxxxx>>

'So <-left-> VLT: use HTTPS
"xxxxxxxxx" <-l-> "1xxxxx/SG": use HTTPS

If that can help,

commented Nov 20 by xxiaprile753 (160 points)
pointing "xxxxxxxxx" <-l-> "1xxxxx/SG"

it behaves as I want even by increasing nodesep , while pointing to the rectangle the latter widen by increasing the value of nodesep.

what if I wanted to place them on top of each other?
commented Nov 20 by The-Lu (74,900 points)


what if I wanted to place them on top of each other?

@startuml LPO
left to right direction
skinparam linetype ortho

skinparam nodesep 400

rectangle "So" {
  component "Connector" as connector {
rectangle "AFM" {
  component "VLT" as VLT {
    [xxxxxxxxx] <<1xxxxx>>

'So <-left-> VLT: use HTTPS
"xxxxxxxxx" <-> "1xxxxx/SG": use HTTPS

