closed Graphviz PNG rendering not working on PlantUML Online

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asked Dec 13, 2024 in Bug by eduardomozart (480 points)
closed Dec 13, 2024 by eduardomozart

When trying to render the following diagram on PlantUML Online:

digraph g {
    graph [fontname="Helvetica"]
    graph [style=wedged colorscheme=set39]
    node [label="" shape=box fontname="Helvetica-Bold" fontsize="12pt" style=filled fillcolor="#E3FCDD:#BFF4AC" color="#336F05" gradientangle=90]
    edge [fontname="Helvetica" fontsize="10pt"]
    sx01 [label="leaf01"]
    sx02 [label="leaf02"]
    S1 [label="server01"]
    S2 [label="server02"]

    { rank = same; sx01 sx02 }
    { rank = same; S1 S2 }

    sx01 -> sx02 [minlen=4 peripheries=2 color="black:white:black" arrowhead=none
            <table border="0">
    sx01 -> S1 [color="#1A5883" arrowhead=none labelangle=75 taillabel="" headlabel="" fontsize="8pt"]
    sx01 -> S2 [color="#00BE50" arrowhead=none labelangle=35 taillabel="" headlabel="" fontsize="8pt"]
    sx02 -> S1 [color="#1A5883" arrowhead=none labelangle=35 taillabel="" headlabel="" fontsize="8pt"]
    sx02 -> S2 [color="#00BE50" arrowhead=none labelangle=-75 taillabel="" headlabel="" fontsize="8pt"]
    S1 -> S2 [minlen=8 style=invis arrowhead=none]

Here's the diagram URL: //

It renders on SVG but fails on PNG, and it was working before. It still works at so I believe it's a regression.

When clicking on "Discover the future PlantUML Web Editor!  ", it fails with a Forbidden error message.
commented Dec 26, 2024 by kirchsth (7,340 points)

the problematic line is 
   graph [style=wedged colorscheme=set39]
in concrete, if you remove

then it is working again:

commented Jan 2 by kirchsth (7,340 points)

Related to the problematic font (found on the other issue too). In the orig. sample the label is empty therefore no font problem occurs in the orig. sample. But it can be reproduced with following sample:

digraph g {
    ' label="Helvetica not working"
    ' graph [fontname="Helvetica"]

    label="Helvetica-Bold working"
    graph [fontname="Helvetica-Bold"]

Helvetica not working
(detailed SVG error message:

Error: fontconfig: Didn't find expected font family. Perhaps URW Type 1 fonts need installing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<!-- Generated by graphviz version 10.0.1 (20240210.2158)
<!-- Title: g Pages: 1 -->
<svg width="55pt" height="33pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 55.14 32.80" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 28.8)">
<polygon fill="white" stroke="none" points="-4,4 -4,-28.8 51.14,-28.8 51.14,4 -4,4"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="23.57" y="-8.2" font-family="Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size="14.00">hhhh</text>


Helvetica-Bold is working

