[Style][Mindmap] How to apply a style on a SPECIFIC link ?

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asked Jan 8 in Question / help by kasra (1,080 points)


Let's say we have this very simple mindmap diagram 



arrow {

'this is applied to all arrows



* root

** A

** B


very simple goal : 
 link between root -> A in blue and lineThickness of 3px

 link between root -> B in red and lineThickness of 5px

Is it possible ? I don't see a way of targeting a link 

commented Jan 8 by The-Lu (76,660 points)

Hi K.,

That is not yet possible (or implemented).

See similar request here:


commented Jan 8 by kasra (1,080 points)


here are my different tests 


title By default the style of the class n1 is propagated to links also



linethickness 10



* root

** A

** B <<n1>>

*** B1

*** B2



title OK because the style of the class n1 is wrapped inside a node style


node {


linethickness 10




* root

** A

** B <<n1>>

*** B1

*** B2



title we can apply a style to a node and a different one to all outgoing links


node {


linethickness 10



arrow {


linethickness 3



linethickness 10




* root

** A

** B <<n1>> <<a1>>

*** B1

*** B2



title it seams that by default the last one of the category is applied


node {


linethickness 10



arrow {


linethickness 3



linethickness 10




* root

** A

** B <<n1>> <<a1>> <<a2>>

*** B1

*** B2


Hope it helps to understand the possibilities with nested style.

So for our feature maybe we could have :

** B <<n1>> <<l1_s1,l1_s2,...,ln_sn;l2_s1,l2_s2,...,l2_sn;...;lk_s1,...?lk_sn;>>

I have no idea if it makes sense with other plantuml region. ( the choice of the delimiter may vary ).  lk_sn means link x style n

so if we had

** B

*** B1  

*** B2


*** Bn

l2_s1,l2_s2,...,l2_sn  we be applied to the link B-B2

Anyway, I hope to see this feature.

Thanks for your work.

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