Remote Style Sheet

0 votes
asked Jan 25 in Question / help by dickmaley (140 points)
I asked a question a few days ago about how to reference a remote style sheet.

I got an answer that did not work,

I could not figure out how to continue the conversation.

Consequently, I am asking again, how can you reference a remote style sheet either as a url or a local file?

Dick Maley

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 25 by The-Lu (76,960 points)

Hello D. and all,

Here is the initial question:

Here are some new answers:

1/ Locally
- Have you tested locally with the local plantuml.jar?

2/ On an online server
Then the issue is perhaps on the server side, depending of the security profile (as mentioned on the initial post).

@PlantUML Team and Arnaud:

  • What is the current security profile, on the Online server?
  • Does the server accept `import` URL directive?


commented Jan 25 by The-Lu (76,960 points)

Here are some new elements:

Here is a working example, depending of the security profile:

@startuml C4_Elements

Person(personAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")
Container(containerAlias, "Label", "Technology", "Optional Description")
System(systemAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")

Rel(personAlias, containerAlias, "Label", "Optional Technology")

KO on plantext (due to a restrictive security profile or Sec. Cache):

OK on new plantum serverl (due to another security profile):

If that can help,

commented Jan 25 by anonymous
How did you get the successful rendering?  Was this on a local server you have?  I have been attempting to use a remote style sheet either on the web, or on the local machine using the web based editors at: or or None of these work with a remote style sheet.

I have run the PlantUML webserver using docker and I get the same error.


Thank you.
commented Jan 25 by plantuml (295,960 points)

I've just read the initial question at

Including a style like in


is not supported (yet)

However, this is a interesting idea, we need to think about it!

Please be patient :-)

commented Jan 26 by anonymous

I am at a lose to figure this out.

The 2 urls you provided above work for me also.

Thank you, but we are not done.