Problem with utf-8 in included file

0 votes
asked Feb 11, 2013 in Bug by mpantel (120 points)

Hi to everyone,

I have two files:
class "Ελληνικά" as Aclass

which produces correctly:

and b.puml which !includes a.puml:
!include a.puml

but incorrectly produces:

This happens using PlantUML plugin for InteliJ (RubyMine) and using OpenOffice plugin
but not when i render these files from the command line, running directly the .jar file.

Both files are save in UTF-8 encoding.

I verified that OpenOffice plugin appends the UTF-8 parameter to the resulting command
which also is not necessary on the command line for me to produce the correct output

Does anybody has an idea what i am doing wrong or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Feb 14, 2013 by mpantel
Best answer
This has been fixed in release 7957.

commented Feb 14, 2013 by mpantel (120 points)
Well LibreOffice gives me:
and command line execution of "java -jar plantuml.jar c.puml":
where c.puml is:
class é
note left
!include a.puml
end note


Informatively a.puml is:
abstract class "é"
and command line generation of this file produces:

Unfortunatelly i am unable to run libreoffice with java 1.7

Kind Regards,

commented Feb 14, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Ok, I think we fix the problem!
Could you try this version and tell us ?

BTW, you don't have to put @startuml/@enduml in the included file (a.puml).

(That's why it takes time to understand what was going on : in our test, the included file was not starting by @startuml, and in yours it was, so
the execution was lightly different)
commented Feb 14, 2013 by mpantel (120 points)
OK! fixed for LibreOffice:

But problem still exists for RubyMine. Strange...
even without @startuml/@enduml tags in the included files

Any Ideas?

In any case thanks a lot for the fix for libreoffice. It is very usefull in some documentation i am currently writing.

KInd Regards,

commented Feb 14, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Great that we have something working for OpenOffice.

For RubyMine, first, I'd like to know which PlantUML plugin it is ? Do you have any URL about it ?
Anyway, as someone says, when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

So it's possible that this version will be working :

(It means that this unknown plugin is using SourceStringReader instead of command line).
commented Feb 14, 2013 by mpantel (120 points)
Yey it Works!

By the way i use this plugin (PlantUML integration) :

Thank you very much for your quick response. It was a fun debugging session!

Kind Regards,

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)


This seems to be a bug of PlantUML  : !include uses the natural/default charset of your plateform (which is not UTF8).

We will fix that a keep you informed about it.


