Strange behaviour for more than two Association Classes

+1 vote
asked Nov 17, 2014 in Bug by anonymous

It may be a very specific problem, but we ran across the following behaviour:

If you create a class diagram with a class that has multiple "fishhook" associations (where source = destination) that have an association class, you may get an error (more than two associations are impossible) or, when trying online on the server, the diagram switches to some other diagram style.

Here is some example code

Class01 "Assoc1Role1" -- "Assoc1Role2" Class01
(Class01, Class01) .. AssocCls1

Class01 "Assoc2Role1" -- "Assoc2Role2" Class01
(Class01, Class01) .. AssocCls2

Class01 "Assoc3Role1" -- "Assoc3Role2" Class01
(Class01, Class01) .. AssocCls3


just add and remove the last two lines to toggle this behaviour.

commented Jan 8, 2015 by anonymous
no updates on this?
commented Aug 20, 2018 by valexiev (1,200 points)
well, where would you propose to fit 3 assoc classes in this case? puml is after all not artificially intelligent.
It's amazing that it shows a nearly useful layout with 2 assoc classes. There is some label overlap, but hey, don't use 2 labels per relation!! (like "Assoc1Role1" -- "Assoc1Role2")

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