two Association Classes on one relation

0 votes
asked Dec 16, 2015 in Bug by valexiev (1,200 points)
edited Aug 20, 2018 by valexiev

Take a look a this diagram. There are two Assoc Classes on the relation at the bottom (P14). But it's rendered as 2 relations (badly twisted because the label comes between them) and one doesn't have an arrowhead.

Is it possible to improve the layout, so that two Association Classes don't split the relation into 2 parallel lines?

commented Mar 19, 2016 by valexiev (1,200 points)
Any chance this can get fixed?
commented Aug 17, 2018 by mhaaz (200 points)
You might want to fix the link. At the moment, it is not loading your example diagram properly.
commented Aug 20, 2018 by valexiev (1,200 points)
Thanks for the notification! I fixed the link in the description above

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