Activity-beta Diagram: long text on arrow after elseif

0 votes
asked Feb 6, 2015 in Bug by MAV (460 points)
Hello guys,

Using elseif, I would like to add long text with several lines between the elseif and the activity, but the text gets over the activity.

Here the code :

if() then
elseif() then
elseif() then(I would like to write\na long text here\non several lines\nwithout getting over\nthe Activity box)

and the diagram :

Thank you !


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thank for the report.

This should be fixed in the new beta:

Do not hesitate if you find other issues!
commented Feb 12, 2015 by MAV (460 points)
It is, thank you very much!