drawing (little) bug on repeat with partitions

0 votes
asked May 28, 2015 in Bug by pacheco (380 points)

with the following example:

partition use_case {
if (condition) then (no)
else (yes)
:some very big text __or__ complex diagram here...;
repeat while(wait for call) -> callback failed
->callback ok;

you can see that the partitions box gets on top of the arrow text.

It is not a major issue, but a bit ugly.

Also a sugestion would be to change the position of that text to either the begining of the arrow or the middle segment of it.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Jun 9, 2015 by pacheco
Best answer

Thank for the report.

In the following beta https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13064071/plantuml.jar we fix the issue.

But as you said, we will try to do something better by moving the position of the "callback failed" text.
commented Jun 9, 2015 by pacheco (380 points)
although moving the text would be better, this is already pretty decent now :)