Persuing the possibiliy to color-code differences in a diagram I'm trying to color individual messages and group element (combined fragments). This does not seem to be supported though?
If i write
A -> B ++ #Blue : <color:Blue>theMessage(arg1, arg2, \n longArg3)
...I get a blue lifeline and the first line of the message text is blue, but not the second line with "longArg)".
Would it work to allow an altenative color format at most places where #color can be used, a format that would allow us to specify several parts?
A -> B <line:Blue fg:Black bg:PaleTurquoise> : theMessage(arg1, arg2, \n longArg3)
where 'line' would cater for any line (arrow line or border) and fg/bg handles text (foreground) and background?
If we then add the '++' notation on the same line the resulting BES on the life line should also be covered by this color specification.
If this is not wanted one can put the ++ on a separate line:
B++ <line:Blue fg:Black bg:PaleTurquoise>
or using the normal syntax
activate B <line:Blue fg:Black bg:PaleTurquoise>
Obviously the foreground spec does no good here - but it shold not be an error to allow it there.
Similar argument for group, ref, opt, alt and the like - a way to specify these three per such object.
For notes there is a workaround as we at least can control the background color as it is, but adding this possibility would add the control.
For participants we can't control the dashed deactive part of the life line, and hence that tripple would be valuable there too.