Node order on component diagram

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asked Nov 18, 2015 in To be sorted by Serge Wenger Work (15,620 points)


I use the version 3033 and your demo server version 3032.

The node order is not from left to right as I expected with vertical line (--). I try to minimize the problem with the following sample. The first page has the problem and on second page I find a workaround for this sample, but more difficult in a real diagram:

cloud "local network" as LocalNet {
node "PC1" as PC1
node "PC2"
cloud "Internet" as Internet
PC1 -- Internet
PC2 -- Internet
cloud "local network" as LocalNet {
node "PC1" as PC1
node "PC2"
cloud "Internet" as Internet
'The workaround only - instead of --
PC1 - Internet
PC2 -- Internet

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