Vertically stack objects with arrows into same object

+1 vote
asked Jul 26, 2016 in Wanted features by anonymous
When you are trying to show multiple "input" arrows into one object, is it possible to have those inputs be stacked vertically on top of each other? With the example below, the arrows of InpuxX and InputY curve over InputZ and the inputs are aligned horizontally. I would like InputX,InputY, and InputZ to be aligned vertically with their arrows going right into the Algorithm. I even tried making Algorithm tall by adding newlines in hope that it would create enough "room" for a vertical stacking, but it didn't work.
artifact InputX
artifact InputY
artifact InputZ
artifact "Algorithm\n\n\n\n\n" as Algorithm
InputX -right-> Algorithm
InputY -right-> Algorithm
InputZ -right-> Algorithm

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 28, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Unfortunatly, this would be difficult/impossible to implement with GraphViz.

A possible workaround is to use "left to right direction" feature, but this would only work for simple case.

left to right direction

artifact InputX
artifact InputY
artifact InputZ

artifact "Algorithm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" as Algorithm
InputX --> Algorithm
InputY --> Algorithm
InputZ --> Algorithm
