JAVA - Can I using palntUML without graphviz ?

0 votes
asked Dec 29, 2016 in Wanted features by uwong15 (360 points)
Is plantUML can use without graphviz ? it seem you are discusses about it, but I think I still can not find the plantUML.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)


You have two options:

1) Using VizJs
This is a port to Javascript of GraphViz.
Explanation here
In that case, you have to install some other jar.
This solution gives the best result

2) Using Smetana
This is a port to Java of GraphViz
Explanation here

Running this is simplier, you just have to add "!pragma graphviz_dot jdot" to your diagram.

!pragma graphviz_dot jdot
class Foo1

Foo1 --> Foo2
Foo1 --> Foo3
Foo1 ---> Foo4 : test 4
Foo1 ----> Foo5 : test 5

Unfortunatly, this is still alpha: the port is not completed yet.

Tell us if this helps you.
