ditaa + doxygen + latex: Bad output files

0 votes
asked Mar 28, 2017 in Bug by c.hahn (120 points)

Hi I'm using plantuml inside doxygen. It is a very good tool! Mostly Iuse it to generate html-Code from doxygen. That works as expectend. But if I use the same code to generate latex than doxygen generate the following error:

Sorry, but epstopdf did not succeed for the following reason:

  Invalid binary DOS header.
The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:
You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help.
Running PlantUML on generated file D:/projects/sdp/evolo/out/latex/inline_umlgraph_15.pu

In the  epstopdf.log is only entries like:

2017-03-28 11:11:07,678+0200 FATAL epstopdf - Invalid binary DOS header.

So I think, that DItAA use his own png-output. Perhaps it isn't full compatible?

An other thing that I've noticed is, that in html-output ther is a difference between ditaa and non ditaa graphics. While a doxygeneration every plantuml graphic generate two outputfies: A svg and a png version of the graphic. But if it is a DITAA-Graphic the svg-File is invalid. 

If you have problems to reenact this, ica, make a small demo project.

Best regards



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Ditaa can only ouput PNG.

So you cannot use EPS or SVG output with Ditaa diagrams.

Sorry about that!

The only thing we could do is to encapsulate the PNG output of Ditaa in EPS or SVG format, but that would still be bitmap. Would this help you ?