hide unlinked results in error for the following code

0 votes
asked May 17, 2017 in Bug by boshka (3,960 points)
retagged May 17, 2017 by boshka
this fails with error in plantuml.1.2017.13.jar
however worked fine in plantuml.1.2017.12.jar
@startuml aaa.svg
!definelong a(unlinked_handling)
participant a
participant b
participant c
a(hide unlinked)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 17, 2017 by plantuml (295,800 points)
Thanks for the feedback.

Your example should work with last beta (1.2017.14beta 6)


Tell us if it's not working for you!
commented May 19, 2017 by boshka (3,960 points)
This simple example fails in 1.2017.14beta 6:

    !definelong test_me()

Result SVG is:
Syntax Error?
Did you mean:
commented May 19, 2017 by plantuml (295,800 points)
When there are no argument in a macro, you should use it that way:
!definelong test_me
Is it working better that way ?
commented May 19, 2017 by boshka (3,960 points)
Yes, this works, but it will take to update all existing diags
Could we continue to support the test_me() notation for a macro without args?

Also, when reading a code the notation test_me() will look less confusing.
commented May 19, 2017 by plantuml (295,800 points)
Ok, we'll give a try. We'll post a message here when a new beta will be ready
commented May 19, 2017 by boshka (3,960 points)
many thanks!
commented May 19, 2017 by plantuml (295,800 points)
You can try beta 7 here:
This has not been widely tested, so feedback welcome!

commented May 19, 2017 by boshka (3,960 points)
thanks! worked ok for me