Cards and rectangles have the same formatting.

0 votes
asked Mar 20, 2018 in Closed bug by Paula Cristina Vaz

I'm trying to format cards and rectangles, but cards keep appearing with the same formatting as rectangles.

Any one can help?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2018 by plantuml (295,960 points)

What do you mean by "formatting" ?

You can use for example:

card card #blue
rectangle rectangle #green

commented Mar 21, 2018 by anonymous
Hi, sorry... I should be more explicit. :-)

For me, this code:

skinparam rectangle {
    FontColor #White
    BackgroundColor #Black

skinparam card {
    FontColor #Black
    BackgroundColor #White

rectangle rectangle
card card

is generating to rectangles with black background and white font. No matter what I put in the card skinparams, the result is always the same.

Is the the normal way or is it a bug?
If it is a bug, will it be fixed soon? :-)

commented Mar 21, 2018 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Yes, it's a bug.
It's fixed in last beta
Tell us if it's not working for you!
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2018 by anonymous


In the last beta version, cards and rectangles are working, but agents are not getting round corners.


skinparam shadowing false

skinparam defaultFontSize 16

skinparam card {

FontColor #DarkSlateGray

BorderColor #LightGray

BackGroundColor #LightGray

FontName "Inconsolata"


skinparam rectangle {

FontColor #DarkSlateGray

BorderColor #LightGray

BackGroundColor #white

FontName "Roboto"


skinparam agent {

RoundCorner 50

BorderColor #e9f4f7

BackGroundColor #e9f4f7

FontColor #383f42

FontName "Inconsolata"


skinparam ArrowColor #383f42

skinparam ArrowFontColor #383f42

skinparam ArrowFontSize 14

skinparam LineColor #383f42

skinparam LineFontColor #383f42

skinparam LineFontSize 14

rectangle Outer {

card MyCard

agent "MyAgent" as c10

c10 -ri-> MyCard



commented Apr 11, 2018 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Thanks for the report.
This has been fixed in last beta
Tell us if you find other issues!
asked Apr 12, 2020 in Bug by The-Lu (77,040 points) Deployment Diagram: Creole does not work on 'card'