Please update the Activity beta documentation to include Partitions, and update Repeat While

+1 vote
asked Apr 13, 2018 in Wanted features by alevinetx (160 points)
  1. Please add Partitions, including the color format, to the Activity Beta documentation
  2. Please update the Repeat.. While loop to
    1. Indicate you can add a label to the Repeat start (repeat :Repeat Start)
      1. Which changes the node from a diamond to a labeled activity oval
    2. Indicate the usage of Backward before the terminating while:
backward:This is backward

repeat while

Thank you!

commented Apr 13, 2018 by alevinetx (160 points)
I found that you have a wiki in place for collaborative assistance.  But, it said it's currently only available for Deployments.  

If you open one up for Activity Beta, I'd be happy to lend a hand. Consider it in-kind for your tool.

commented Apr 16, 2018 by plantuml (295,000 points)
We've just set up the collaborative wiki for activity beta
Do not hesitate to document missing features.
This will be published after review on offical website.
Thanks again for your help!

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