Hide the Activities in Activity diagram

0 votes
asked Dec 10, 2018 in Question / help by rkrug (420 points)


I know how I can hide the arrows in activity diagrams - but how can I hide the Activities?

I.e. in

Plan -right-> Collect
-down-> Assure
-down[hidden]-> Describe
-left[hidden]-> Preserve
-left[hidden]-> Discover
-up[hidden]-> Integrate
-up[hidden]-> Analyze

Analyze -right-> Plan

Assure --> Analyse
I would like to hide Integrate, Discover, Preserve and Describe?
The layout should stay the same, as I want to overlay these two in a presentation.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2018 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Dec 13, 2018 by rkrug
Best answer

Good idea!

With last beta http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar you can have :

Plan -right-> Collect
-down-> Assure
-down[hidden]-> Describe
-left[hidden]-> Preserve
-left[hidden]-> Discover
-up[hidden]-> Integrate
-up[hidden]-> Analyze

Analyze -right-> Plan

Assure --> Analyse

hide Integrate

Is this what you are looking for ?

commented Dec 13, 2018 by rkrug (420 points)
Perfect. Thanks a lot.
May I suggest to add this to all diagrams? I am using it also from the class diagram to explain a rather complex diagram step by step. I guess it would be useful for the other diagrams as well.

Especially nice: the arrows to and from the hidden one are hidden as well.

Thanks a lot.
commented Apr 21, 2022 by anonymous
Is it possible to do it in the new syntax ?
