First of all, thanks for this great tool.
I'm planning to substitute Astah use with PlantUML. For sequence diagrams, PlantUML is great, easy, fast to write, perfect. For Class diagrams the resulting layout is confused to present to not I.T. people.
I see that, for this diagram, PlantUML uses Graphviz that has it owns way to organize things. I tried to use [hidden] relations to setup a fixed layout, but It was without success.
Basically, I can use relations on objects (or better in 'together' groups) to make my specific layout, but then when I define relation between objects the previous good layout changes to a confused one.
This is an example (using groups and hidden relations to define the layout), with the problematic relations commented:
hide circle
skinparam linetype ortho
together cln {
class Client
together mls {
interface MemberListener
together mrl {
interface MemberRole
together msg {
class Message
' my defined layout
mls -u[hidden]- mrl
cln -r[hidden]- mrl
mrl -d[hidden]- msg
' object real relations
Client -> MemberRole
''''''Client -|> MemberListener
''''''Client -|> MemberListener
However, according with http://graphviz.996277.n3.nabble.com/grid-layout-tp1942p1943.html there is a way to Graphviz to ignore the relations (edge [constraint=false]; ) when it make the diagram layout. The behavior can be shown in the difference between
So, my suggestion is to make a new 'tag', like the -left- one or the -[hidden] one to enable this behavior on specific relations, so that the others relations can be the only used by Graphviz to define the layout.
Do you think that it can be possible?
Thanks again,