Events instead of timestamps in timing diagram

+2 votes
asked Feb 20, 2019 in Wanted features by anonymous


some years ago I inspired to add the timing diagram. Meanwhile I used it a lot but I'm missing a feature since not all actions are time dependent but event driven. So it would be nice to give some text instead of a timestamp. To make drawing easier it could be a good idea to always give a timestamp but to give an optional text that should be printed instead.

Here a possible example for the language extension:

robust "DNS Resolver" as DNS
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle
DNS is Idle

@+100 is "URL given"
WU -> WB : URL
WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

@+200 is "URL request"
WB is Waiting
WB -> DNS@+50 : Resolve URL

@+100 is "DNS processing started"
DNS is Processing

DNS is Idle

And here what it should look like:

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