UTF-8 encoding fails when uml includes salt

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asked Apr 5, 2019 in Bug by anonymous
Plantuml SVG output file is wrongly-encoded in certain case.

- Activity Diagram including salt diagram
- Salt includes Japanese(UTF-8)
- with "-tsvg"  and "-charset UTF-8" option

note that png output has no error.
LANG variable is set to ja_JP.UTF-8

commented Apr 5, 2019 by albert (3,520 points)
Please show a small example code so it is easier to see what went wrong.
Also specify the version of plantuml you are using (java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar plantuml.jar  -version)
Check also against the latest beta (http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar) when not already using it.
commented Apr 11, 2019 by anonymous
Thank you for the response.

PlantUML version is 1.2019.04 and latest beta won't solve the problem.
Here are some example codes.

Sample1: no problem

(*) --> "{{

Sample2: no problem
(*) --> "{{

Sample3 : invalid svg output
(*) --> "{{
commented Apr 12, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Your last example (sample3) is working on the online server.

Can you tell us if it's working for you there ? Thanks!

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